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The year in review - USPG Council & Supporters Webinar

A look back at the highlights from USPG over the past year (July 2019-July 2020)

Anglican Council in Malawi Integrated Programme in Mission in partnership with USPG

Anglican Council in Malawi in Partnership with USPG Integrated Programmed in Mission 2015-2019

Malawi Integrated Programme 2020

USPG is proud to support the Anglican Church of Malawi, making a difference in the lives of girls and young women through education

USPG Sermon July 12, 2020

USPG Sermon July 12, 2020

USPG Sermon - The Church of Ireland July 12

USPG Sermon - The Church of Ireland July 12

Presence, Provision and Prayer in the Pandemic USPG Webinar July 2020

Whilst its buildings have been closed, churches have extended their important role in providing food and welfare provision to those in need. But what has pastoral care really looked like in lockdown? Wrestling with high mortality rates and radical uncertainty has deeply unsettled people prompting a range of spiritual questions from the wider community. How have the churches responded to these challenges? This webinar explores the pastoral, spiritual and material dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic drawing on emerging research and practice. Speakers: Dr Anne Richards, the Church of England's National Adviser on Mission Theology, New Religious Movements and Alternative Spiritualties and convener of the Mission Theological Advisory Group of the CTBI.

USPG Sermon June 14

USPG Sermon June 14

Reflections on Windrush and Black Lives Matter

Reflections on Windrush and Black Lives Matter

USPG trustees Catherine Wickens and the Rev’d Dr Carlton Turner deepen the discussion about racism in the context of Covid-19.

USPG trustees Catherine Wickens and the Rev’d Dr Carlton Turner deepen the discussion about racism in the context of Covid-19.

USPG Sermon - The Church of Ireland June 14

USPG Sermon - The Church of Ireland June 14