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One year on, Ukrainian refugees receive vital support from USPG

First published on: 24th February 2023

Our joint appeal for Ukraine with the Diocese in Europe has raised over £400,000 this past year. Today (Friday 24 February), as we mark the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, we wanted to share some of the stories of some of the projects which have benefitted from your generous donations.

Messages of hope amidst so much conflict

The money that has been raised is helping a variety of projects which work with Diocese in Europe Chaplaincies across the continent and in Ukraine. Most of the funds have been distributed in Finland, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Latvia.

Refugees from Ukraine continue to need practical and psychological support.  One of the projects that we have been able to help fund in Helsinki, the Vallila Help Centre, supports refugees with essential food and clothing. It also provides Finnish lessons and counselling. The role of the centre co-ordinator, Eeva, is partly supported by the Diocese in Europe/USPG appeal. Watch this video to find out more:

In Budapest, "Ukrainian Space" which was founded by a member of the Anglican Chaplaincy offers parents with children, aged eight to sixteen, a place to spend time together, network, and learn new skills.  At the same time, the children are cared for and receive essential help with their education as they adapt to learning in another country and a new language. The appeal supported this project. Watch this video to find out more:

The community in Christ Church Kyiv continues to gather both online and whenever possible. The appeal has helped some of their people and they ask for our prayers for all who remain in Kyiv and for members who were forced to leave the country.

Rev’d Dr Duncan Dormor, General Secretary USPG  said “The generous donations to our Ukraine appeal have made, and continue to make, a real difference to the lives of many affected by the continuing war in Ukraine. As the war enters its second destructive year we will seek additional ways in which we can offer our practical support alongside our prayers and fellowship.” 

Bishop David Hamid, Suffragan Bishop in Europe said “We are grateful to everyone who has supported our brothers and sisters across Europe by donating to this appeal and offering their prayers. Your response is at the heart of the calling of the Church, to be alongside those in great need.” 

Get Involved 

We share a prayer for all those affected by the ongoing conflict by Revd Tuomas Mäkipää, Chaplain of St Nicholas, Helsinki.

Let us pray 

Give wisdom to the leaders of the nations,
that they may be a force for good on the earth.
Sustain the anxious and fearful and renew them with courage from on high,
Comfort all worried families whose loved ones are in danger,
surround them with your love protect them from all harm.
Be with the sick and wounded,
Stand by all prisoners and captives,
let your mercy be shown to all and your power to heal and save.
In Christ Jesus your son, our Lord,


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