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United Beyond Borders

"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-28 

**Bookings are now closed**

In 2024, more than 60 countries are holding elections, with over 2 billion voters expected to head to the polls. Elections in countries like India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States will determine the political landscape for years to come with key decisions being made on immigration, peaceful co-existence, warfare and climate. We live in a world where in many ways, it can feel as if walls are going up and borders are closing.

And so, this year, we’re exploring what it looks like to be ‘United Beyond Borders’.

  • In an increasingly volatile and bordered world how can we as members of the one global Church embody Christ’s love and build bridges across the borders that divide us?

  • Are we, as the Church, brave enough to welcome the stranger and challenge prejudices against displaced people (or) people on the move?

  • How does a mission agency, and the Church, confront its past of benefitting from colonisation?

The USPG conference is a gathering of volunteers, supporters, representatives from the Anglican Communion, USPG staff & trustees and more! All are welcome to join us for the 3-day residential conference which involves keynote speakers, workshops and several times of fellowship and worship. This year, we're delighted to be back at the beautiful High Leigh Conference Centre


Key details:

  • 9-11 July 2024 (There is also the option to attend for the day on Wednesday 10 July)
  • High Leigh Conference Centre, Lord St, Hoddesdon EN11 8SG

Please arrive from 10:00am on Tuesday 9 July. There is ample free parking if you're travelling by car. We will officially begin at 11:00am - full schedule to be announced.


Meet the Speakers:

The Very Revd Dr Kelly Brown Douglas - Dean, Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary and Canon Theologian, Washington National Cathedral Theologian in Residence, Trinity Church Wall Street.

Kelly is considered a leader in the field of womanist theology, racial reconciliation, social justice and sexuality and the Black church. A native of Dayton, Ohio, Dr. Douglas was one of the first 10 Black women to be ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church. She was an Associate Priest at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. for more than 20 years. She has written seven books, the most recent books are “Resurrection Hope: A Future Where Black Lives Matter,” released in October 2021, and “Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God,” released in May 2015.

The Right Revd Dr Anderson Jeremiah - Bishop of Edmonton

Prior to becoming the Bishop of Edmonton, Bishop Anderson taught World Christianity at Lancaster University. His research interest is in the lived facet of World Christianity and its theological,  political and missional engagement in the wider society. His passion for working towards justice and peace as central to Christian discipleship stems from his lived experience as a Dalit Christian. 

The Right Revd Dalcy Badeli Dlamini - Bishop of Eswantini

Bishop Dalcy is the second woman bishop in Eswatini and the fourth woman bishop in the Province of Southern Africa. 

After an early career as a teacher, Bishop Dalcy was ordained in the Diocese of Swaziland, where she ministered in various capacities, including at the University of Swaziland, until 2020. She has served as Diocesan Dean of Studies and Rector and Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Polokwane. She was a member of the International Anglican/Lutheran Commission and is a member of the Steering Group of the International Anglican Women’s Network.

Bradon Muilenburg - Anglican Refugee Support Lead in Northern France.

Bradon, originally from Michigan in the United States, spent time as a volunteer with the Taizé community in France, before moving to work with an ecumenical Catholic Worker house of hospitality, Maria Skobtsova House, in Calais. He has been based in the city with his wife, Marie, since 2021. His role is the outcome of a joint partnership between the Diocese in Europe, the Diocese of Canterbury and the USPG in response to the growing numbers of migrants around the Channel ports in Northern France.




Please be aware that the programme does not start until 11:00am on Tuesday 9 July. Whilst dinner will be provided, there will be no formal programme and staff will not be available. Feel free to use this time to settle in and enjoy the grounds at High Leigh Conference Centre.

**Bookings are now closed**


Testimonials from our 2023 Conference

"USPG seeks to bring different people from all walks of life to share different kinds of ideas and perspectives so that we don’t box ourselves into small thinking and limit ourselves from seeing a wider picture of this beautiful world we live in.”

"I've been reminded that God desires that we come together to do His work in all the world."

"To get that wider global context on issues that I care about is really important but also really refreshing. It enables me to think about these things in a whole new way."

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